An executive summary of the basic approach and main results and achievements of 5G-MoNArch is now available for download!
Author: MoNArchWPadmin
Technical and economic benefits of 5G-MoNArch and description of testbeds
Two important deliverables of 5G-MoNArch have been completed and are now available from the website:
- Technical and economic analysis – verification and validation of the benefits of 5G-MoNArch architecture and innovations. The technical verification is based on simulations provided by the technical WPs (WP2 architecture, WP3 resilience, reliability and security, and WP4 resource elasticity), measurements from the two testbeds in Hamburg and Turin, and a system simulation across a series of evaluation cases. The techno-economic analysis is based on the Hamburg study area and focuses on network cost reflecting 5G-MoNArch architecture and innovations, and opportunities for new revenue streams.
- Description of the testbeds – the final report from WP5 provides a thorough description of the use cases implemented in the Smart Sea Port testbed in Hamburg and the Touristic City testbed in Turin, the implementation, setup and deployment of the two testbeds, and the results of the experimental evaluation.
5G-MoNArch’s final spurt!
The last few weeks of 5G-MoNArch’s runtime were dedicated to showcasing the live operation of our testbeds, and informing about the final technical results. For this purpose, 5G-MoNArch has organised two dedicated events: on May 24th in Turin, to show the Touristic City testbed (find a summary of the event here), and on June 5th in Hamburg, to show the Smart Sea Port testbed together with all results on network architecture, reliability & security, resource elasticity, and verification and validation (find a summary of the event here). Finally, 5G-MoNArch had a strong footprint at the 2019 edition of the EuCNC conference (co-located with the 5G Global Event), with a booth showing the Touristic City testbed and a summary of the project’s results, two joint workshops, and several papers in the conference tracks.
- Visitors could get the live Virtual Reality experience of the Touristic City testbed, showing the successful application of 5G network slicing and orchestration, and the positive impact of resource elasticity mechanisms on the performance of a media & entertainment scenario. Find a video interview and the live demo at our booth in the official EuCNC YouTube webTV channel (external link: starting at 14:42 minutes)
- The workshop on Artificial Intelligence, co-organised with SliceNet, presented the core findings on AI-based resource orchestration and the impact on standardisation (external link:
- The workshop on 5G Architecture, organised by the 5G-PPP Architecture WG, presented the latest findings compiled in the 3rd edition of the Architecture Whitepaper (external link:

5G-MoNArch events – Turin and Hamburg
Live experience of the project testbeds
- Turin, Palazzo Madama, on May 24th, 2019
- Hamburg, Dialoghaus, on June 5th, 2019

Please visit the Events and Publications page for more details on the events, flyers to download and the link to the registration form.
At the events a live experience of the Touristic City testbed and the Smart Sea Port testbed will be given to the visitors, together with details on the project’s main conceptual results, and the results of the (simulation-based) technical verification and socio-economic validation of concepts.

5G-MoNArch @ MWC2019
GSMA GLOMO Award on 5G Industry Partnership – for 5G-MoNArch partners Hamburg Port Authority, Deutsche Telekom and Nokia for the First Large Scale Industrial Commercial 5G Trial – the Hamburg Smart Sea Port testbed!

5G-MoNArch will be present with a demonstrator of the Smart Sea Port testbed at the Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona from February 25-28, 2019. You can find us at the booth of the 5G Infrastructure Association in Hall 7, booth 7K17.
Focus of the demonstrator will be on the Network Slice Lifecycle Management, where we present a live connection to the testbed in Hamburg – network slices can be created, modified, deleted, and the impact on the KPIs of the applications running over the network can be visualised. For sure we can provide you with any further information on the project concept and results!
We are looking forward to welcome you at MWC2019!

5G-MoNArch @ ICT2018 Event in Vienna, Austria
Thanks a lot to all participants of the 5G-MoNArch ICT2018 networking session! We received very helpful comments and feedback as input to our project’s work on 5G network slicing evaluation. Interesting from the project’s point of view are in particular that major current pain points are in the capabilities (latency, throughput, availability) of current networks, but the goals for future networking solutions add flexibility and use case / application-specific network solutions on top.
The summary of the received feedback is available as a slide set here.
5G-MoNArch will spotlight the opportunities of 5G End-to-End network slicing in an interactive networking session for future connected businesses at the European ICT 2018 event in Vienna, Austria.
Please find more information about the networking session on the FLYER.
Further information is available from the ICT2018 website:
Smart Sea Port testbed – industry stakeholder workshop and life testbed presentation
A full-day workshop with industry stakeholders for the Smart Sea Port testbed took place at the premises of Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) on November 6th, 2018, jointly organised by the 5G-MoNArch partners HPA, Deutsche Telekom and Nokia. The main goal of the workshop was to present and demonstrate the opportunities of 5G and network slicing in the port and logistics environment, and to discuss new applications and use cases.
The workshop started with an overview on 5G as a key technology for the digitalisation of the industry, and a presentation on network slicing as a main opportunity to customise networks for different businesses. After a keynote speech on the goals and the status of digitalisation in the Hamburg port, the three use cases implemented in the Smart Sea Port testbed were presented in life demonstrations to the auditory and the press. The very positive feedback accentuated the advantages and prospects, but also the expecations of the stakeholders on 5G and network slicing with respect to reliability, flexibility and security.
A summary of the workshop can be derived from the YouTube channel of HPA’s smartPORT.TV:
5G-MoNArch has started!
The kickoff meeting of the 5G-MoNArch project took place in Munich from July 4-6, 2017. Since most of the work packages started together, it was an intense exercise, but with good progress in setting the baselines.