May 24th, 2019 – Turin – Touristic City testbed – download flyer
- Presentation of the Touristic City testbed and live experience of the implemented application for virtual visits and tours through the Palazzo Madama museum
- Presentation of project scope and main results, with a focus on network slicing and resource elasticity
The Touristic City testbed, showcasing core results of 5G-MoNArch’s research work on mobile network architecture, network slicing and resource elasticity, was presented to the public in a live event from May 22nd to 24th, 2019. Taking place at Palazzo Madama in Turin, Italy – the place of the Touristic City – interested museum visitors were invited to use the interactive virtual application running on a slicing- and elasticity-enabled 5G network. Experiencing a virtual tour to one of the rooms of Palazzo Madama, and with a number of virtual tasks to be completed – supported by a virtual tour guide – the visitors could experience the differences in quality before and after migrating the application to a resource-elastic slice. Additional information on the technical details was provided through a number of posters.
On May 24th, a workshop took place with around 70 invited participants from the City of Turin municipality, the Fondazione Torino Musei (that operates the Museum within Palazzo Madama), TIM, RAI Radio Televisione Italiana, Ericsson and other stakeholders in 5G. Four talks were given to the auditory:
- the Project Coordinator of 5G-MoNArch, introducing the project, its main goals and results, and a quick overview about the Touristic City and the Smart Sea Port testbeds
- the Head of Technology and Innovation of TIM, presenting the plans of the company for 5G in the next years
- the General Director of the Fondazione Torino Musei, owner of the Palazzo Madama premises, explaining the importance of Virtual Reality applications in the museums experience all over the world
- and the Deputy Major of the City of Turin, illustrating the importance of 5G innovations for the City of Turin, with a central role for the European Projects.
Please check this video summary of the event on May 24th, as well as a video with a live demonstration of the Touristic City testbed VR application.
Here are some pictures of the event: